Why I wear Inspirational Tees

The why behind the shirts I wear…
I wear inspirational statement tees probably 3 days a week. 
It’s kind of become my “thing.” Why? Because I see people every day. I run errands, meet customers, see family, meet friends for coffee and see lots and lots of moms.

I know I need encouragement and I’m sure most people I meet do too. Life is tough. But, the tees I select to wear sends the message that although life is tough…
✔️You are enough.

✔️Choose joy.

✔️Be Still.

✔️Choose courage.

✔️Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.

Last week, I ran into a lady who works at Kroger. I had on my Choose Joy shirt. She said, “I can’t think of a better statement to put on a shirt.”

I love the underlying messages of these shirts. When I wear my Be Still shirt, kPsalm 46:10 runs through my mind.
Join me on a mission of wearing tees like this to inspire yourself and others. You never know when you’ll bring a little hope to someone — or yourself. 
Get your own tees for 50% off through 1/22 with code INSPIRE17. This code will also give you free shipping!

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