Why I wear Inspirational Tees

The why behind the shirts I wear…
I wear inspirational statement tees probably 3 days a week. 
It’s kind of become my “thing.” Why? Because I see people every day. I run errands, meet customers, see family, meet friends for coffee and see lots and lots of moms.

I know I need encouragement and I’m sure most people I meet do too. Life is tough. But, the tees I select to wear sends the message that although life is tough…
✔️You are enough.

✔️Choose joy.

✔️Be Still.

✔️Choose courage.

✔️Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.

Last week, I ran into a lady who works at Kroger. I had on my Choose Joy shirt. She said, “I can’t think of a better statement to put on a shirt.”

I love the underlying messages of these shirts. When I wear my Be Still shirt, kPsalm 46:10 runs through my mind.
Join me on a mission of wearing tees like this to inspire yourself and others. You never know when you’ll bring a little hope to someone — or yourself. 
Get your own tees for 50% off through 1/22 with code INSPIRE17. This code will also give you free shipping!

Inspirational Tees for 50% off!



My favorite tees are on sale at Cents of Style for 50% off! These tees are one of my very favorite things to wear. I love sharing inspirational thoughts with friends and even strangers through these beautiful & comfortable tees.

I am not one for making a ton of New Year’s Resolutions but at the start of this new year I made one simple goal of filling my life with more positivity. Each and every day we are bombarded with a whole lot of information. From what we see and read on our phones and social media to what we see and hear just walking around while going about our daily routines. We sift through so many messages day in and day out. This year, I hope to fill my life with only the best and most positive messages because life is much too short to be wasted on the negative.


One way that I am adding in the positivity? By wearing it! The Life is Inspirational Collection by Cents of Style celebrates life and all of the amazing things that comes with it. These inspirational graphic T’s are just the type of positivity I can’t wait to put into my daily rotation. Graphic T’s are not only the easiest thing to wear ALL year long but they come with zero fuss and hassle. Throwing one on with jeans or with leggings is always a safe and easy choice. They go well under sweaters, jackets, and vests. There are so many possibilities when it comes to layering a perfect t-shirt like this one. And, talk about positivity!  unnamed-20
I am so in love with the messages these shirts bring. Not only will they brighten your day but everyone who comes in contact with you. Life is a beautiful thing. It is one big adventure full of it’s ups and downs. Sometimes it’s tough and sometimes it’s sweet but it is always beautiful. I am so excited for what this new year will bring. No matter what, I know I will face it with a whole lot of positivity!


5 Tips for Using an Instant Pot



unnamed-17Perhaps you received an Instant Pot for Christmas and are unsure where to start. I felt  same when I first got mine, but with the help of some great groups and Pinterest. But, I got up the nerve to test some basic things and now I’m using it just about every day.

Here are some things that I found that worked well for me starting out along with some recipes.

  1. Do the Water Test — this is explained in your manual. It basically tests and gets you comfortable with some of the features. It’s super easy and gets you acclimated to your Instant Pot.
  2. Start by hard boiling eggs I do the 6-6-6 method! The shells pretty much fall off. I put it on 6 minutes manual, 6 minutes no pressure release and then 6 minutes in an ice bath. So simple!  I also use this fabulous steamer basket because I can get a lot more eggs on it than in the trivet.
  3. Next, try some frozen chicken. Frozen chicken done in 20 minutes! Need I say more? Check out this link for great recipe ideas.
  4. Make a one pot mac and cheese or soup. I am in love with Instant Pot Mac and Cheese. I make it like once a week and heat up for lunches. Try a recipe like this with hot sauce. You won’t be sorry!
  5. Work up to braving cheesecake. Cheesecake in the Instant Pot was a big seller for me…but it also terrified me for some reason! I wrote this post about my experience making Oreo cheesecake. I love three specific things for cheesecakes. Mini Silicone Grippers, Gourmet Sauce Toppings and of course, Springform Pans. I love these mini ones and I just got this larger one!


Easy Instant Pot Cheesecakes



I had never made a cheesecake. I was always intimidated by the progress and thought I would end up with a disaster.

Then, I started seeing how friends and people on Pinterest were making cheesecakes in their Instant Pot. Somehow, that made it seem easier. I mean, I have made SO many things in my Instant Pot with ease, so I thought, “Surely I can do this too.”

I found this amazing recipe for Oreo Cheesecakes. Seriously. Pin it and get the supplies you need to make it.


I didn’t have a small springform pan, but my mother-in-law got me two sets of these mini cheesecake pans for Christmas. I thought, I can just divide the mix for the crust & filling up between four of the pans. It worked perfectly! Next time, I will make a bit more crust to start than the recipe calls for.


A couple things that I have found to be really beneficial when making Instant Pot cheesecakes:


I’d love to hear any of your successes with cheesecakes in the Instant Pot!


How I Earned $250+ in Gift Cards from Swagbucks


I have been using Swagbucks for over 8 years now and earn around $250+ in gift cards every year.

I have redeemed cards for Amazon, Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and Kohls. If you haven’t signed up for Swagbucks, you are missing out on totally free & legit money in the form of gift cards.

In fact, this is how I do around $150 of my Christmas shopping each year. In addition, I will save up for coffee (hello, free coffee) and I have also used my points to get gas cards for traveling.

Christmas shopping for free? Yes, please!

Essentially, you can earn a $5 gift card f0r 500 Swagbucks for all sorts of retailers. It took me a bit to figure out the best ways to earn, but here’s what I’ve discovered:

  • Daily searches will yield a few points (try from different devices or IP addresses)
  • I try to do a few surveys a week (sometimes more often) to get bigger payouts
  • Do the daily poll every day
  • I let Swag buck videos often play in the background on my phone to rack up points
  • Sign up for free offers or trial offers — just be sure to read the fine print! These are fantastic ways to get your point totals higher
  • Spend around 10-15 minutes a day and make it a habit. Free money, why not?!
  • Try to hit the daily goal they offer. You get a bonus for that!

I wait til I hit 500 points and then cash out for a gift card! You can also do higher valued gift cards and they even run “sales” on them from time to time.

Who uses Swagbucks? I would love to hear additional tips!

**this post contains affiliate links from Swagbucks**


Clutter Busters Day 3: Kid Spaces


Day 3: Kid Spaces!

I feel so good to have organized some space in my bathrooms yesterday! I got rid of a grocery bag’s worth of old products and organized my most used makeup & body products.

Now, onto Kid Spaces! If you have or have had small children, you know how many toys they can accumulate.

We have one son who will be four soon. He’s at the age of trains, cars and tiny toys.

I finally feel like I have some solutions for all these little items.

We use a couple storage cubes like this with Thirty-One Your Way Cubes to keep things contained. I love being able to toss cars and trains in these. We also use these for books.

What I plan to organize today:

  • Clean out Matthew’s books and make a pile to donate. He has so many books that he’s grown out of.
  • Organize puzzles and donate ones he’s mastered. Our favorites are still Melissa and Doug!
  • Have him choose 5 toys to donate to children in need. We are working on fostering the idea of giving back early on with him. He was blessed this Christmas and we want to show him how important it is to give back.
  • Set up a learning center for him. He’s really getting into preschool work. I want to set up his desk and a bin of preschool activities specific for learning time. He has a desk similar to this one and loves it if you’re looking for one!

If you have kids or grandkids, how do you plan to organize today? I’m taking around 30 minutes to quickly get his toys cleaned up, paired down and more organized.

A couple inspiration pics to get you started!

10 Favorite Books for Preschoolers



We have so many great books for our little guy and we read every night and often during the day.

Our son loves rhyming books — especially about trucks and cars. He also loves the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Series. My mother is a retired kindergarten teacher and the best advice she gave me was to read to my son every day. We have really practiced this and have watched his vocabulary explode.

Here are his 10 books that we are always reaching for:

1. Little Blue Truck – This is actually my favorite. Such a sweet story.

2. Pout Pout Fish – I love the rhyming and use of unusual words in this book. Perfect for building vocabulary.

3. Barnyard Dance – He loves the sing-song tone of this popular story.

4. Giraffes Can’t Dance – This book has the sweetest message. I love how it celebrates differences.

5. If You Give A Mouse a Cookie – We actually love all the books in this series.

6. Busy Trucks on the Go – Our son has learned about so many different types of transportation through this book.

7. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom – This book is fantastic for learning letters

8. Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? – Super sweet story for bedtime!

9. Bear Snores On – This is one of my mom’s favorites and we love it too!

10. Happy Hippo, Angry Duck – This makes us laugh every time we read it!

What books are favorites in your family?

Clutter Busters Day 2: The Bathroom

clutterbusterDay 2: The Bathrooms

Happy Day 2 of our Clutter Buster Challenge!

I’m so excited, I got 23 items cleaned out of my kitchen yesterday! Lots of extra utensils and gadgets I no longer need or use.

Today, I’m moving along to my bathroom. I used to be a body product/makeup junkie, but I’ve really learned to not buy so much. Even so, I still have things that I could toss.

I’ve found a couple good storage solutions for on my countertop in my bathroom. I love essential oils, so I use something like this to corral them. I’d like to get one for my everyday makeup as well.

My plan is to:

  • Organize my everyday makeup.
  • Organize and assess my essential oils.
  • Toss any old products.
  • Make a donation bag.
  • Do a good scrub down of my bathroom.

I’m hoping to move fast so I can accomplish this in around 30 minutes.

I also want to fill a Littles Carry All Caddy from Thirty-One with my most used body products so I can take it back and forth between our two bathrooms & put on our nightstand as well.

Speaking of my favorite new body products, I’ve slimmed down my collection to a few things I really love. I’ve been wanting to try the Soap & Glory collection for a couple years, but never treated myself to it. I’m not sure why — it’s not even that expensive. Sometimes, it’s just hard to justify a purchase for ourselves.

My husband got me some products I had been wanting and I have found some new favorites! I plan on putting these in a single caddy to keep what I’m using most in a convenient spot.

I encourage you today to find a few things you’re using the most and put those in an accessible place. Get rid of what you don’t use and then tuck away what you only use occasionally. Getting ready will be so much easier!

Happy decluttering!

How to Make Mocha Lattes at Home!


One of my favorite things is my morning coffee. I absolutely love Mocha Lattes from Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, but I don’t love the price. And, in the winter, I tend to stay home a lot more.

I bought the Ninja Coffee Bar in the spring of last year and have used it every day. It brews the best cups of coffee. A big selling point for this particular coffee pot was it uses ground coffee (cheaper than K-Cups) and I can control the strength of the brew. Plus, it makes fabulous iced coffees.

Read below how I make a Mocha Latte at home every day — it’s cheaper & healthier!


First, find a dark blend of coffee. I have tried several brands. I like this one pictured from Aldi, but my favorite is Cafe Bustelo. It’s an espresso blend and really creates a rich brew. I use 3-4 scoops on the measuring spoon that came with the Ninja. Then, I select the cup size and then the specialty brew feature.

One thing that really sold me on the Ninja Coffee Bar is that it comes with a frother. Newer models come with an attached frother. I fill up the glass carafe to about 5oz. I add some Ghirardelli chocolate syrup. My mother-in-law got me this amazing set of syrups for Christmas. It comes with chocolate, white chocolate and caramel. I definitely plan on purchasing more.

Put in the microwave for 50 seconds.

Your coffee should be brewed by now. Take the milk out of the microwave and pump the frother around 15 times. Pour milk into mug over coffee and top with chocolate syrup.



Clutter Buster Challenge Day 1: The Kitchen



Welcome & Day 1

Hello and welcome to my annual Clutter Buster Challenge. I’m so glad you’re here to spend about 30 minutes a day to clear the clutter!

My husband and I have been married less than a decade, but it’s absolutely crazy how much we have accumulated. I’ve talked with other friends and they say the same: I have too much stuff.

My goal with this week-long series is to encourage you to clean out what you don’t need or what doesn’t bring you joy. To help you find tricks to make organizing more enjoyable. And, to show you some cool tricks that I’ve discovered along the way.

My biggest tip for organizing?
Make it fun. I have discovered that if I play music or listen to an audiobook, I can get in the zone much faster. Thus, I am able to accomplish more. My parents got us the Amazon Echo Dot and I’ve been listening to music constantly. Just like working out, playing some upbeat music can energize you to move to declutter.

Another tip:
When you’re ready to donate, load you car right away! As soon as you’ve boxed or bagged your donation items, put them in your car and drop them off as soon as possible.

Finally, really focus on what brings you joy. 
I have done some reading in the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and while I don’t agree with everything the book talks about, I do see such significance in keeping things that bring you joy.

Day 1: Your Kitchen

I don’t know about your house, but our kitchen is the gathering spot. Perhaps it’s because we love to sit around the table, eat, drink, play and talk about our days. My husband and I work from home a good portion of the time and we both find ourselves using the kitchen table as our office more often than not.

I’ve also discovered that while I cook most nights of the week, I don’t USE everything I have. I had a toaster oven for a few years that I never used.

Last year, I really paired down on those extra small appliances and now have three specific ones that I use almost daily.

  • My Ninja Coffee Maker. It’s no news that I love coffee. This helps me to have a coffee shop experience without leaving the house. Making lattes every day is a must.
  • A Crockpot. I love putting something in the crockpot and leaving it for the day! I believe every home needs a good crockpot.
  • The Instant Pot. This is a new one on my list and there’s been a lot of hype around it. I bought one on Black Friday and now I see why it’s a must have. While I love to use my crockpot, sometimes I forget or just need a meal really quick. This is the perfect solution.

Back to things that spark joy: Mugs spark joy for me. I told my husband that I’d build another cabinet if I had to to keep my mug collection. I think having something you love is completely fine. It’s often the little things in life that spark the most joy.

However, things that don’t spark joy include but are not limited to: spatulas, cooling racks, expired food in the pantry, too many plates, mismatched tupperware and a gazillion random gadgets.

Today, I am clearing out my kitchen for 30 minutes. Here’s my plan.

  • I’m grabbing  box to put unwanted items in to donate.
  • I’m grabbing a trash bag to toss any expired food.
  • Then, I’m going to get a box and fill it with items that we won’t use by the expiration date and donate them to a food pantry so they don’t go to waste.

As a Thirty-One consultant, I love organizing. Storing things in bins in my pantry and even occasionally on the counter really seems to work for us. We will break down boxes of snacks, drink mixes or energy bars and put them in bins to save space.