Easy Instant Pot Cheesecakes



I had never made a cheesecake. I was always intimidated by the progress and thought I would end up with a disaster.

Then, I started seeing how friends and people on Pinterest were making cheesecakes in their Instant Pot. Somehow, that made it seem easier. I mean, I have made SO many things in my Instant Pot with ease, so I thought, “Surely I can do this too.”

I found this amazing recipe for Oreo Cheesecakes. Seriously. Pin it and get the supplies you need to make it.


I didn’t have a small springform pan, but my mother-in-law got me two sets of these mini cheesecake pans for Christmas. I thought, I can just divide the mix for the crust & filling up between four of the pans. It worked perfectly! Next time, I will make a bit more crust to start than the recipe calls for.


A couple things that I have found to be really beneficial when making Instant Pot cheesecakes:


I’d love to hear any of your successes with cheesecakes in the Instant Pot!


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